
In collaboration with the researchers of the University of Naples Federico II, our senior scientist Brigitta Szabó analysed the efficiency of European hydraulic pedotransfer functions (PTFs) available from the literature. The results of this research was published in the Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, which is a highly ranked journal in the field of Water Science and Technology (D1).

Judit Schellenberger successfully defended her doctoral (PhD) dissertation entitled “Soil seed bank examinations in grassland types with different water regime” at MATE’s PhD School of Environmental Sciences on 30 September 2021.

Gábor Szatmári, a senior researcher at the Institute for Soil Sciences, received the Róbert Bárány Award.

President of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network awarded the title of "Research Professor Emeritus" to Péter Csathó and Tibor Tóth, scientific advisors of the Institute for Soil Sciences.

The Researchers' Night, held across Europe, traditionally takes place on the last Friday of September each year for those interested in science. Our institute joined the program again this year, where we present the diversity of our field of science with our interactive programs.

In this study we compared the precision of habitat indication by the vegetation and soil microbial communities in four salt affected pastures in the Hungarian Great Plain.

Researchers from the Department of Soil Mapping and Environmental Informatics working with a senior scientist from ISRIC – World Soil Information and Wageningen University & Research have studied soil organic carbon (SOC) stock change between 1992 and 2010 at multiple aggregation levels in Hungary. Their results and findings have been published in Geoderma.

Researchers of the Department of Soil Biology together with the colleagues of the Department of Microbiology of the Eötvös Loránd University, studied the effect of soil salinity and pH on the microbial assemblages metabolic activity pattern and taxonomic composition of saline-sodic soil. The publication is available in the Microorganisms open-access journal.

Based on the decision of the "Complex Agricultural Science" expert body, Imre Cseresnyés, senior research fellow at ATK TAKI, won the support of the "OTKA" Young Researcher Excellence Program with his application entitled "Short-term monitoring of root dielectric response by non-destructive procedure".

Dr. Péter Csontos, TAKI's scientific advisor, was awarded the title of honorary university professor by the Rector and Senate of Eötvös Loránd University.

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