Relying on the knowledge, tools and methods of the European research community, the EJP SOIL project will develop a research strategy that provides a scientific basis for the development of policies related to climate-conscious, sustainable agricultural land use.
The project shall take into account the views of stakeholders, such as farmers, researchers and decision-makers, both during the initial strategic planning phase and in the definition of detailed research tasks.
At Member State level, stakeholder involvement and the provision of information between farmers, researchers and policy makers are ensured through the formation and operation of national knowledge centres, so-called national hubs. The EJP SOIL consortium, in cooperation with the hubs, can get an accurate picture of real research needs and in this way make scientific recommendations that are acceptable to all parties concerned.
The Hungarian national hub was established on 16 September 2020 at the EJP Soil's domestic project launch event. The hub's membership is open, additional volunteer partner applications are welcomed at the e-mail address of Dr. Péter László (ATK TAKI), national communications representative of EJP SOIL:
In the EJP SOIL project, Hungary is represented by the Institute of Soil Sciences (ATK TAKI), and the Hungarian tendering opportunities for the project are advertised and handled by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH).
In addition to advocacy, hub members will also be regularly informed about EU initiatives, tendering opportunities and the Office's assistive activities in relation to soil research.
The presentations of the launch event can be downloaded via the following links:
1. EJP SOIL H2020: Soil Mission and CAP Soil Information Framework (Dr. Gergely Tóth, Hungarian member of ATK TAKI, EJP Soil Board)
2. Tasks of EJP Soil - National Hub (Dr. Zsófia Bakacsi, ATK TAKI, EJP Soil Project Manager)
3. The relevant building blocks of the Horizon Europe programme, the design of the programme, the channels of Hungarian advocacy (Dr. Krisztina Hollósi, International Department of the NKFI Office, Member of the H2020 Programme Committee)
4. Soil Health Mission: The Mission (Dr. Borbala Biró, Hungarian Member of mission board)
5. SMS H2020: Creating the Soil Health Mission scientific framework (Dr. Péter László, ATK TAKI, Project Manager)